Workers’ compensation insurance provides no-fault benefits to people who were injured while on the job. An employer can be held responsible for a workplace injury even if the accident was not their fault. That being said, liability is not automatic. There are several affirmative defenses that employers and insurers can raise to deny coverage. An . . .
Workers’ compensation insurance provides medical coverage and wage loss benefits to employees who were hurt on the job. As emphasized by the California Department of Industrial Relations, “employers are required by law to have workers’ compensation insurance.” For employers and insurers, navigating the workers’ comp claims process can be complicated. It is not uncommon to run . . .
Published by Joseph Yrulegui on June 11, 2020 We have previously discussed California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order that created a rebuttable presumption that COVID-19 is a compensable occupational disease. Under Executive Order N-62-20, employees who were required to work outside of the home between March 19th and July 5th and who contracted COVID-19 are presumed to have done . . .
Published by Joseph Yrulegui on March 23, 2021 Workers’ Comp Defense in California: Understanding a Claimant’s Duty to Disclose On February 3rd, 2021, the California Department of Insurance announced workers’ compensation fraud charges against a Kern County man accused of bilking an insurance company. According to the allegations raised by the agency, this man unlawfully failed to . . .