California Proposed Heat Safety Rules for Indoor Employees May Be in Trouble

According to a report from National Public Radio (NPR), a proposed heat safety regulation for indoor workers has run into problems in California’s state capital. Only two other U.S. states currently have any type of indoor heat safety rules in place for workers. In this blog post, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney discusses the proposed . . .

Workplace Violence is a Serious Problem: California Has New Law to Help Protect Employees

In September of 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 553 into law. A first-of-its-kind state law, the bill is designed to help protect employees from the threat of workplace violence. It requires employers to develop and implement workplace violence prevention plans. Here, our Fresno workers’ comp lawyer discusses the workplace violence risks that . . .

An Overview of Temporary California Workplace Safety Standard to Protect Workers from Silicosis

On December 29, 2023, new temporary workplace standards from the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) officially took effect. These regulations are designed to protect employees in the stone fabrication industry from silicosis. In this post, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney offers an overview of California’s temporary workplace safety regulations to protect workers from silicosis. . . .

I Am an Independent Contractor in California: Can I File for Workers’ Comp Benefits if Injured While at Work?

Employers in California and throughout the United States are increasingly relying on the contributions of independent contractors. You may be wondering: Can I file for workers’ comp benefits if I am hurt while working as an independent contractor? The short answer is “no”—independent contractors are not covered by workers’ comp. However, there are key qualifiers . . .

How are Permanent Disability (PD) Benefits Determined in a California Workers’ Comp Claim in California?

Were you or a loved one seriously injured on the job in California? You may be entitled to permanent disability or PD benefits. These are a form of workers’ comp benefits that are reserved for people who have an injury or impairment that is so severe that a full recovery is not reasonably expected even . . .

How Common are Back Injuries at Work?

Did you or your family member sustain a back injury while on the job? You are not alone. Back injuries are among the most common workplace ailments—they account for nearly 20% of all work-related impairments. You have the right to file for workers’ comp for a back injury. In this article, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney provides . . .

How Common are Back Injuries at Work?

Did you or your family member sustain a back injury while on the job? You are not alone. Back injuries are among the most common workplace ailments—they account for nearly 20% of all work-related impairments. You have the right to file for workers’ comp for a back injury. In this article, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney provides . . .

What Form Do I Use to Start the Worker’ Comp Claims Process in California?

Hurt on the job in Fresno, Fresno County, or elsewhere in the surrounding region in Central California? You have the right to file for workers’ comp benefits. This raises an important question: What form do you need to fill out to file for workers’ comp in California? The short answer is that the firm is referred to . . .

What is a Primary Treating Physician in a Workers’ Compensation Claim in California?

Were you hurt on the job in California? You have the right to seek immediate medical care from a qualified doctor. Your primary treating physician will play a key role in care. Indeed, it is this medical professional who is in charge of ensuring that you receive the proper care and that your treatment is . . .

California Will Teach High School Students About Workers’ Rights, Including Workplace Safety

According to a report from The Hustle, California legislators have passed a new law requiring all high schools to teach students about workers’ rights. Workplace safety is a big part of the new standards. Here, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney provides a more detailed overview of the new law and explains the basic workers’ comp rights that employees . . .