Everything You Need to Know About Getting Medical Care After a Work Injury in California

Work injuries happen every day. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that work-related accidents and occupational diseases cause nearly 1.2 million people to miss time on-the-job each year. Workers’ comp insurance protects people. Through a workers’ comp claim, you can get no-fault benefits for your medical care. In this article, our Fresno work injury attorney explains everything you . . .

Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care in California?

Chiropractic care is a form of “alternative medicine” that is focused on the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. It is often used for back injuries and spinal cord injuries—though chiropractors can treat a wide range of other medical conditions as well. This raises an important question: Is a chiropractor covered by workers’ comp insurance in California? The . . .

Workers’ Comp in California: Who Decides Which “Light or Modified Duty” Medical Restrictions are Appropriate?

State law requires employers to provide no-fault workers’ comp coverage (California Labor Code § 3700). Through a workers’ comp claim, an employer can get benefits to cover their medical care and support them during the time that they need to take off to recover from their injury or illness.  Most people want to get back . . .

California Honors Workers’ Memorial Day

On April 28th, 2022, the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) and Cal/OSHA officially honored Workers’ Memorial Day. It is a global day of remembrance to honor those who have lost their lives to a workplace accident or occupational disease. Workers’ Memorial Day also serves as an important reminder that we need to do more to . . .

Study Finds Amazon Workers Injured at Higher Rates Than Other Warehouse Workers

Amazon is the largest employer of warehouse workers in the United States. By some metrics, nearly one quarter of all people who work in a warehouse in the U.S. are employed by Amazon. The company is still expanding its footprint. Amazon is scheduled to open a massive new 855,000 square foot fulfillment center in Fresno . . .

Workplace Safety Reminder for the Summer: Outdoor Workers Must be Protected

On April 26th, 2022, the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) issued an official reminder that employers have a legal responsibility to protect outdoor workers from the risk posed by heal-related illnesses and exposure to harmful wildfire smoke. With the summer months fast approaching, employers must put the proper health and safety precautions in place. In this . . .

Five Duties an Employer Owes to You After a Workplace Accident in California 

All workers in Fresno County are entitled to no-fault workers comp coverage under California Labor Code § 3700. If you sustained a work injury, you have the right to seek workers’ comp benefits for medical care and wage replacement. Beyond that, your employer owes you certain basic duties after an accident. In this article, you will find . . .

What is a Medical Provider Network (MPN) in California Workers’ Comp Claim?

Were you injured on the job in Fresno County? If so, you may have questions or concerns about who you should see for medical care. Can you choose your own doctor? Do you have to go to someone picked by your employer? The answers depend on several factors, including whether your employer is part of . . .

How Long Does it Take on Average to Get Workers’ Comp Benefits in California

Unfortunately, workplace injuries and accidents continue to happen far too frequently. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that 1.1 million workers take time off annually to recover from a job-related injury or occupational disease. Workers’ compensation insurance exists to help ensure that employers have financial protection and security after an accident.  You may be wondering: How . . .

Nurses in California Push for More Comprehensive Workers’ Comp Rights

According to a report from Bloomberg Law, nurses are continuing to push for more comprehensive workers’ compensation rights. With backing from top labor advocacy groups, the coalition of nurses wants legal rights that put them in the same position—eligible for a presumption of coverage for certain injuries and illnesses—that law enforcement officers and firefighters receive. In . . .