Author Archives: Joseph Yrulegui

Hurt on the Job in California? Four Key Things to Know About Third-Party Liability Claims

In California, your employer has a duty to provide no-fault workers’ compensation coverage. You can . . .

Countertop Workers in Southern California Developed Serious Illnesses

According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, dozens of workers who cut countertops in . . .

California Appeals Court Ruling Limits WCAB Appeal to Delay Workers’ Comp Decisions

According to a report from Bloomberg Law, a California appeals court has issued an opinion that could, . . .

Worker Killed in Accident at Manufacturing Facility in Northern California 

According to a report from Fox 40, a worker was killed in an accident at a . . .

Report: Extreme Heat Injuries More than 20,000 Workers Per Year in California

As reported by Reuters, July of 2023 has been the world’s hottest year in recorded history. . . .

Settling a Workers’ Comp Claim in California? Know What Options are Available

The California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) reports that more than 300,000 people miss time at work . . .

Cal/OSHA Cites Two Employers for Workplace Violence That Killed Seven

On June 26, 2023, Cal/OSHA cited two San Mateo County employers—Terra Garden, Inc. and Concord Farms Inc.—for . . .

Going Back to Work after an Accident in California: What Happens if My Employer Assigns Me to a Job Duty I Cannot Perform?

California law (Labor Code § 3700) mandates that businesses and nonprofit organizations must prove workers’ . . .

Worker Killed on the Job in Fresno County (Electrocution)

According to a report from ABC 30, a man was killed on the job in a . . .

OSHA: Amazon Failed to Provide Adequate Medical Care to Injured Workers 

According to a report from Insurance Journal, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) alleges that . . .