Author Archives: Joseph Yrulegui
Injured California Worker Brings Successful Serious and Willful Misconduct Claim
Under California law, a workers’ compensation claim is generally the sole legal remedy that an . . .
How Can a Fresno Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Help Me After a Workplace Accident?
Were you hurt on the job in the San Joaquin Valley region of California? It . . .
Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) Grants Injured Painter Workers’ Comp Benefits
According to a report from HRD California, a painter has been awarded workers’ compensation benefits after . . .
How Do You Qualify for Permanent Disability Benefits for a Work Injury in California?
A work injury can cause severe disruption to a person’s life. Workers’ compensation insurance exists . . .
How Do You Qualify for Permanent Disability Benefits for a Work Injury in California?
A work injury can cause severe disruption to a person’s life. Workers’ compensation insurance exists . . .
Are Seasonal Employees Covered By Workers’ Compensation Insurance in California?
Seasonal employment is a huge part of the American economy. A wide range of industries—from . . .
Cal/OSHA Published Official Guidance to Protect Workers From Monkeypox Exposure
In May of 2022, the first documented case of Monkeypox associated with the recent global . . .
California Workers’ Comp and Temporary Disability Benefits: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Work injuries and illnesses remain a serious safety concern. According to data from the State of . . .
Amazon Drawing Major Scrutiny After a Series of Warehouse Worker Deaths
Amazon is one of the largest employers in the United States, including in the San . . .
WCAB Rules No Need to Authenticate Documents Without Genuine Question
Recently, the California Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) ruled in favor of an employee in . . .