According to a report from The Hustle, California legislators have passed a new law requiring all high schools to teach students about workers’ rights. Workplace safety is a big part of the new standards. Here, our Fresno workers’ compensation attorney provides a more detailed overview of the new law and explains the basic workers’ comp rights that employees have in California, 

Education Standards: Workers’ Rights for High School Students in California

California has mandated a “Workplace Readiness Week” in public high schools to educate juniors and seniors about their employee rights. This annual April event will cover labor law essentials such as employee classification, wage and hour rights, workplace safety regulations, and workers’ compensation claims. All public schools in the state will be required to participate in Workplace Readiness Week, including public charter schools. 

An Overview of Your Workers’ Comp Claim Rights in California

In California, all employers are required to provide fault-free workers’ compensation insurance coverage to their employees, including part-time workers, seasonal workers, and minors. An employee who was hurt on the job does not have to prove that an employer was negligent in order to qualify for benefits. Here are key things to understand about your workers’ comp rights: 

  • You Have the Right to Medical Care: First and foremost, California law entitles you to receive all medical treatment reasonably required to cure or relieve the effects of the injury incurred at work, with no out-of-pocket cost to you. Notably, California requires employers to pre-authorize up to $10,000 in medical care when an employee is injured on the job. You should seek medical attention right away after a job-related accident or injury. 
  • You Have the Right to File for Workers’ Comp Benefits: As an employee in California, you have the right to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits if you suffer a work-related injury or illness. Medical coverage is merely one type of benefit. Workers’ comp can also include temporary disability payments (if you are unable to work while recovering), permanent disability payments (if you do not make a full recovery), and supplemental job displacement benefits. 
  • You Have the Right to Be Free From Retaliation: California law strictly forbids an employer from taking adverse action against an employee simply because that employee exercised his or her right to file for workers’ compensation benefits. Retaliation can include firing, demotion, reduction in hours, pay cuts, or any other form of adverse action taken because you filed a claim. Retaliation is a separate type of legal claim and additional compensation may be available for an affected worker. 

Contact Our Fresno Workers’ Comp Lawyer for Immediate Help

Joseph C. Yrulegui is a top-tier workers’ compensation lawyer. If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as an injured worker in California, we are more than ready to help. Contact us today to set up your confidential initial consultation. We represent injured workers in Fresno, Fresno County, and communities beyond.