Category Archives: General
What is a Medical Provider Network (MPN) in California Workers’ Comp Claim?
Were you injured on the job in Fresno County? If so, you may have questions . . .
How Long Does it Take on Average to Get Workers’ Comp Benefits in California
Unfortunately, workplace injuries and accidents continue to happen far too frequently. The U.S. Bureau of Labor . . .
Nurses in California Push for More Comprehensive Workers’ Comp Rights
According to a report from Bloomberg Law, nurses are continuing to push for more comprehensive workers’ . . .
Understanding the Two Types of Workers’ Compensation Settlements in California
California law requires all businesses and organizations that operate within the state to carry no-fault . . .
California Work Safety Regulators Release COVID-19 Safety Guidance for School Employees
In January, the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus swept across California. There were nearly . . .
What Medical Care is Covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance in California?
Work-related injuries and illnesses remain a major problem. According to data collected and analyzed by . . .
I Was Fired After Filing for Workers’ Comp in California: What are My Rights?
Each year, tens of thousands of workers are hurt on the job in California. If . . .
California State Agency Found Liable for “Serious and Wilful” Misconduct in Relation to Deadly Fresno Area Crash
According to reporting from The Fresno Bee, a California state agency has been found liable for . . .
Are Truck Drivers Covered by Workers’ Comp Insurance in California?
Trucking is a vital industry. More than three-quarters of the nation’s total freight volume is . . .
Workers’ Comp Watch: California Court Rejects Employer’s ‘Exclusive Remedy’ Defense
On December 21st, 2021, the Second District Court of Appeal for the State of California . . .