Category Archives: General

California Fast Food Workers Planning Walk Out, Safety Remains a Problem in the Industry

According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, fast food workers throughout California are planning . . .

California Lawmakers Pass Amazon Bill in Response to Injury Rates in Warehouses

According to a report from National Public Radio (NPR), California lawmakers have passed first-in-the-nation legislation focused . . .

An Overview of Workplace Violence and Workers’ Comp in California

Unfortunately, workplace violence is a serious public safety problem in our country. The National Institute for . . .

What Happens if I am Injured While Working at Home in California?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, more employees are working from home—at least on a . . .

Four Tips for Filing a Serious and Willful Misconduct Claim in California

All employers in Central California are required to follow applicable federal, state, and local workplace . . .

Work-Related Car Accidents in California: Know Your Rights

Motor vehicle collisions are among the leading causes of serious injuries. The California Office of Traffic . . .

Four Reasons to Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Fresno

According to data collected and published by the California Department of Industrial Relations, approximately half a . . .

Can I be Fired for Filing for Workers’ Compensation in California?

Similar to the vast majority of jurisdictions in the United States, California is an at-will . . .

California Workers’ Comp: Who Decides if I am Ready to Return to Work?

Following a workplace accident, most people want to get healed up and back to the . . .

Report: Hotter Temperatures Mean More Work Injuries in California

According to a report cited by the Los Angeles Times, rising temperatures are expected to result . . .