Inflation has become a major policy concern in the United States and around the world. As reported by PBS, the annual inflation rate hit a 40-year high earlier this year. Workers’ compensation benefits are adjusted annually to account for changes in the cost of living. A significant increase in workers’ comp benefits will take effect in 2023. According to a report from the Insurance Journal, workers’ compensation benefits will jump by more than five percent on January 1st, 2023. Here, our Fresno workers’ comp attorney provides an overview of the workers’ compensation benefits increase in California in 2023. 

An Overview of the Change: A 5.159% Increase in Workers’ Comp Benefits

Temporary total disability benefits (TTB) are designed to help replace the wages for injured workers. As the cost-of-living is rising in California due to inflation, workers’ compensation benefits will be adjusted accordingly. Beginning on January 1st, 2023, California will apply a 5.159% cost-of-living increase for  temporary total disability benefits (TTD) and permanent total disability (PTD) benefits. In California, workers’ comp cost-of-living-adjustments (COLA) are automatically applied at the beginning of each year. 

California Uses the State Average Weekly Wage to Determine Workers’ Comp Adjustments

To determine the appropriate annual adjustment for workers’ compensation benefits, California regulators refer to the state average weekly wage or SAWW. Workers’ comp benefits will rise—or in raise cases, fall—based on changes in the average weekly earnings of employees in the state. For the most recent period, the SAWW in California increased from $1,570.00 to $1,651.00—a 5.159 percent jump. Workers’ comp benefits have been adjusted accordingly. 

The Minimum and Maximum Workers’ Comp Benefits Will Change as Well

California has statutory minimum and maximum weekly workers’ compensation benefits. The minimum and maximum benefit that is available through a workers’ comp claim in California changes each year in accordance with cost-of-living adjustments. Here is an overview of the minimum and maximum workers’ comp changes taking effect for 2023: 

  • Minimum Workers’ Comp Benefit in California: The minimum workers’ comp benefit for 2022 is $230.95 per week. Starting in January of 2023, the new minimum benefit will be $242.86. 
  • Maximum Workers’ Comp Benefit in California: The maximum workers’ comp benefit for 2022 is $1,539.71 p per week. Starting in January of 2023, the new minimum benefit will be $1,619.15. 

It is crucial that injured workers receive the full and proper workers’ comp benefits that they are due under California law. If you see any problems with the level of benefits you are being offered, an experienced workers’ comp lawyer can help. 

Get Help From a Fresno Work Injury Attorney Today

Joseph C. Yrulegui is a top-rated, experienced work injury attorney. If you need assistance with a workers’ comp claim or a workers’ comp appeal, we are here to help. Contact us today to set up your fully private, no-obligation consultation. We represent injured workers throughout the San Joaquin Valley, including in Fresno, Bakersfield, Stockton, Modesto, Visalia, and Clovis.